Written by: Emily Martinez



for 2024

With wedding season upon us, we are seeing a delightful array of culinary trends that promise to make every reception a feast for the senses. Couples are embracing a diverse range of options to customize their menu selections and cater to the tastes and preferences of their guests. Let’s take a look at some of the exciting menu trends on the horizon.


One of the standout trends for 2024 is the fusion of global cuisines, creating a captivating blend of flavors and textures. Couples are opting for menus that showcase a mix of culinary traditions, from Asian-inspired appetizers to Latin American-infused main courses. Fusion appetizers like bulgogi bao tacos and mango ceviche tostados are sure to tempt your guests. These inventive combinations are sure to tantalize taste buds and add a dash of excitement to the dining experience.


Say hello to interactive food stations that engage guests and encourage socializing. “During Covid many people developed a passion for cooking and the benefits using  fresh locally sourced organic products   We collaborated with the UA  events team  and took the STATION concept and elevated them by creating  live demonstration and participation stations where the guest became the chefs , canned their own salsas using traditional Volcanic Molcahetes and provided recipe cards for guest to  recreate at home. From grazing boards and pasta bars, to street taco stations, these interactive setups add an element of fun and guests can tailor their meal to their preferences.


Bite-sized treats and miniature portions are making a big splash on wedding menus this year. Couples are opting for an assortment of mini appetizers, sliders, and desserts that allow guests to sample a variety of flavors without feeling overwhelmed. From tiny tacos and sliders to shot glass desserts and mini donut walls, pint-sized indulgences are perfect for satisfying cravings while keeping the party vibe going strong.


Comfort food gets a gourmet makeover in 2024, as couples embrace elevated versions of classic favorites. Think decadent truffle mac and cheese, and gourmet sliders made with premium ingredients. These nostalgic dishes appeal to guests of all ages with their irresistible flavors and upscale presentation.


Plant-based wedding menus are gaining popularity in 2024, with a growing emphasis on sustainability and wellness. Couples are incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes into their dishes to create vibrant and nourishing meals. Our team at Summit specializes in creating exceptional vegetarian and vegan menus, like portabello mushroom ravioli and vegetable paella. Plant-based options are proving that eco-conscious dining can be both elegant and delicious.

These wedding menu trends of 2024 are all about creativity, sustainability, and personalized dining experiences. Whether you’re a foodie couple looking to impress your guests with global fusion fare or a wellness enthusiast planning a plant-based feast, there’s no shortage of delicious options.

Summit specializes in helping couples plan the perfect menu for their big day and with these exciting culinary trends, every wedding feast is sure to leave a lasting impression. If you’re ready to get to work, reach out to our team!