Corporate Lunches on Site


Preparing Corporate Lunches on site: What most of our clients love about Summit Event Catering is that we Serv Safe. *

So what does that mean? 

To “Serv Safe” means to understand, educate, and execute responsible food service measures. It is not only our responsibility, but our instinct, to stay on top and go beyond the consistently updated regulatory health and safety requirements. 

How do we do that?


In order to Serv Safe, some cold dishes and key items are prepared in our production kitchen. However, for hot entrées, our goal is to serve eachmeal piping hot and the freshest as possible. To do so, we prepare your food fresh on site in our health department approved pop-up kitchen. We have the capacity to transport grills, fryers, ovens,and both hot and cold food storage systems to prepare meals – right outside of the office doors! While using proper safety measures, our chefs carefully integrate each ingredient for a well-balanced, and well-timed dish — fresh, and individually packed — to create a safe and delicious meal for you. 

Why is that special?


By bringing our best cooking equipment to you, we do not have to use that of your company or special event venue. We are mindful of your health, but also your budget! Most importantly, we Serv Safebecause we care. While we have our production kitchen, our workplace – and our heart – are always with you. 

Together, we’ll win!

To learn more about on-site catering and our NEW! Serve Safe Corporate Meal Program, go to

Ready for a quote or to talk to one of our Event Producers

*Serv Safe Term Coined by the National Restaurant Association. For more information on Serv Safe, visit