ITEP 2018 Scholarship Dinner


You've probably heard the term "It Takes A Village To Raise A Child". We believe in that "village" mentality and love being part of community outreach events. For the past three years we've had the opportunity to cater an amazing event that inspires and energizes us about the future of catering. International Trade Education Programs is a Southern California Non-Profit connecting high school students to careers. Through partnerships with industry and educators, ITEP prepares high school students for careers in high-wage and high-growth job sectors through career exploration activities, industry mentoring, summer internships, and college scholarships.

ITEP celebrated their 18th Annual Scholarship Dinner at

Crafted at The Port of Los Angeles

who is one of their community partners. We served 800 guests, made up of students, community partners and scholarship recipients. As much as it's amazing to cater this event, we were also part of the community partnership program. One week prior to the event our supervisors Jon and Ricardo held a training class for students at Banning High School who are part of the program for catering and culinary careers. These amazing young adults served appetizers and dinner and gained a wealth of knowledge. We also partnered with

Beacon House Association of San Pedro

. This non-profit is a substance abuse recovery home for men. The "Beacon House Boys" as we like to call them assisted with service and clean up. Overall we all gained something from the experience and are proud to have been part of making this event a success.

ITEP celebrated 32 scholarship recipients, and 5 community partners. Upon arrival partners were greeted by students from Southern California High Schools who proudly exhibited their latest projects. It was amazing to watch the interaction between the students and the generous partners who truly forged meaningful relationships. Seeing businesses show up and really engage with the future employees and leaders of our communities was tremendously inspiring. This important program brings year-round career exploration activities, industry mentorship and internships to the 6,400 high schools students served by it. We loved being part of the 2018 scholarship dinner and are already looking forward to what 2018 brings.

ITEP wouldn't be possible without the generous partnerships with Southern California Business. Not only do these companies donate funds to the program, their leadership mentors students, they create internships, and genuinely engage with these talented young men and women. Here is a list of all the dynamic community partners. We're happily optimistic about the futures of these students and for the businesses who will employ them.